
(Click to enlarge any of these pictures into a separate browser window)

Momma and Daddy Good looking roomates Jim Karen Ken Jack Josh Me and Yearling Kelly
Linda Hollingsworth, Ron Cook, Sara Sanders Norma Herndon - Ron Cook Kelly and Woozer Kelly Age 18
In our Dinning Room, Gails Mom
Mrs. Helen Werner,  celebrates
her 92nd Birthday.
Gail and her Sister,  Anne Early
help "Grammy" enjoy the occasion.
Jim and Gail Christmas 2005 Gail - Kelly Christmas 2005 Jim and Kelly Christmas 2005
Butch Anne Jim Gail Jack Arlene Jim Gail
Jim Kelly Shanie 2005 Kelly and Shanie More Kelly and Shanie
Jack - 85
Jim - 66
Ken - 41

Ken Cook

Pictures from my son Ken,  who lives with his wife Ann in
Minhang,  Shanghai,  China.

Jack, Jim, Ken, Karen, Josh
Ken and Josh
Katie, Ken, Anne, Patrick

Five Generations - Jack, Jim, Ken, Karen and Josh
Ken and Josh - drag racing in Georgia
Katie, Ken, Anne and Patrick

Me and Ken - a long time ago
See, I did have hair!
Kelly, 13 :: Jim w/hair

Mocha Jim and Kelly 2000
Kelly in the snow 1991

How I spent Christmas 2003
Jim and Kelly
Kelly,  age 10,  in the great BLIZZARD of 1991