The Class of 1958.
"The way they were"

With apologies to those I have missed,  or can not identify -  a list of names to match with faces.

Jimmy Cason Jimmy Dampier * Waverly Beville Munn
Chuck Halbrook Mrs. Jimmy Vincent Barbara Gainey Smith
David Hollingsworth Jimmy Vincent Jimmy Cook
David Anderson Linda Rodgers Gamble * Mary Ann Beville Quates
Billy Wells * Louise Fowler Hines Ina Hodge Wilson
Gene Curls * Sylvia Prentice King Barbara Hodge Cottingham
Getzen Fowler Anne Lou White Owens Genette Rourk Bernal
Vida Mae Waters Dot Witt Thomas Billy Holloway
Pauline Taylor Gibbs Mary Shuman Gonzales Billy Todd
Ann Vinzant Ross Elaine Wilson Wells
Larry Thigpen Canīt Identify
Mr. L.B. Lindsey * Ms. Pat Roberts *
Mrs. Peg Westmoreland *
G.D.Green *